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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Visioning for the New Year - Attracting what you want in 2012 - the Year of the Dragon

Today’s the day many people begin to think about New Year’s Resolutions, things they want to change about themselves.  For me, the New Year is more about embracing and honoring who I am and asking a Higher Power (God, Angels, Teachers, Guides, my Higher Self etc.) to assist me in shifting my thinking for that is where all change begins. Whatever I put out into the Universe, I attract and I have far from perfect thinking.

Over the years I have shared this ritual with close friends. We write down what we want to release (patterns, thinking and behaviors that do not serve our Highest Good) and what we want to draw into our life for the New Year. We express gratitude and humbly seek assistance.  Then we burn our papers with some sage. .  My friend Barb and I did this yesterday at Highland Park.
Another New Year’s ritual I like is to make a Vision Board, a visual representation of what I would like to manifest.  I have one in progress. This year I am adding another ritual (letter writing) shared with me by Reverend Cathleen Brauen.
If you would like to learn more about these rituals consider joining our January 29th workshop. The cost is $18.  The registration form can be found on my website.
Visioning for the New Year - Attracting what you want in 2012 - the Year of the Dragon                                                                     
Presented by Opening and Awakening to the Spiritually Sacred (OASS)
Rev Cathleen Brauen of Life’s Mysteries Spiritual Group and Rev Kris Miller of Sacred Space Spiritual Group

Sunday January 29, 2012        10:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Carmen Clark Lodge at Brighton Town Park      777 Westfall Rd

In this workshop we will travel the Sacred Wheel of Self Discovery in meditations. In the first meditation we will revisit the past year to find things we are ready to let go of and then, through ritual, let them go.  In our second journey through the Wheel we will begin to clarify and manifest our intentions for the New Year.  Then we will create physical representations of our intentions in written form and a vision board.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Today I sat in meditation sending love to friends and family. Suddenly the faces of their friends and family appeared before me, each coming into awareness and floating away. I was encircled by people seeking love and healing. Sending love to all enveloped me in love as well.  I hope you felt it-it’s there for the taking.  Just be open and accept. Then pay it forward.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Life is the school, LOVE is the lesson

Life is the school, LOVE is the lesson. I am not sure of the author of this lovely quote but I have made it my email signature block.  I added a bit so it reads "Life is the school, LOVE is the lesson. We are all students, we are all teachers". 

Keep this in mind as you go through this upcoming week.  You may be surprised at what you learn.  Every experience and person you encounter is somehow related to this lesson. If the encounter is easy, you are both in a state of love-a love mindset- with open hearts. If the encounter is difficult, perhaps one of you is showing the other a “shadow side” or character defect that blocks unconditional love. 

If you have an encounter that makes you angry or feel unloving ask- what is the lesson in this for me?   What is this person here to teach me? What are they mirroring in me that needs change? Say this short prayer of “Bless them, change me”. (Another non-original, but beautiful thought I picked up along the way).

May your hearts be open to give and receive love.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Count your blessings

Today is the day that many people express their gratitude. Why not carry this attitude of gratitude into tomorrow, and the next, and the next?  Making gratitude a part of your daily reflection can change your whole outlook on life.  You will tend to appreciate  what you have, what is right in your life and focus less on what is "missing" and what is "wrong".  Some of my friends make a daily list of 5-10 things they are grateful for. Others make a list A-Z and try to fill in a blessing for each letter.  You will be surprised at the results. I invite you to give it a try. Start today and bring it into tomorrow. Let me know how it works out.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I am pleased to announce that Reverend Cathleen Brauen of Life's Mysteries Spiritual Group and I will be collaborating on a series of spiritual workshops.

Our first workshop will be about setting and manifesting intentions for the New Year. It will be held on January 29th, 2012 in the Rochester area. I will be posting more details soon.If you would like to be on the email list, please contact me via my website.