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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Fear based theories abound that the end of the Mayan Calendar on 12/21 will bring chaos and disorder.  Past experience, however, tells us that when a calendar ends, a new calendar begins. Each day is a new beginning. A new page is turned and we hope this new day, this new year, will bring many blessings. 

To many 12/12/12 is an energy vortex day, a gateway, a day where our energetic and spiritual level rises,  creating a planetary shift, preparing to lead us in to a new era on the 12/21 Solstice. 
Numerologists believe that 12 reduces to 3,  a number of communication and interaction.
Whatever your personal beliefs, like any other Sacred Space, on 12/12/12 we will be working on sending healing to all in the circle and out into the world. We will be raising our personal vibrations on this special date and focusing on the world we choose to create with our thoughts and actions. Our thoughts are our reality. We hope you will join us in this creation.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Join us at our next workshop

   Meeting Your Animal Totem/Guide

Presented by Opening and Awakening to the Spiritually Sacred (OASS)

Rev Cathleen Brauen of Life’s Mysteries Spiritual Group and Rev Kris Miller of Sacred Space Spiritual Group

Sunday May 6, 2012       
2:00 PM-5:00 PM

Yoga with Estelle Studio - 34 Elton St (2nd floor)

Register early-space limited to 24

In this workshop you will meet your totem animal in a meditation, then travel the Sacred Wheel in a second mediation to learn what your totem has to share with you about your life.  Time will be provided for journaling.

Dress comfortably and bring these things:
     Water bottle for personal use
     Journal or notebook and a pen
If you have these, bring them as well:
     Yoga mat and blanket (We will be on the floor. Some mats provided.)
     These books or cards if you have them: Animal Speak or Animal Wise by Ted Andrews, Animal Spirit Guides by Steven Farmer, Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson.


We will be sending updates about the workshop via email from  Feel free to contact us with any questions

Fee  ($15)                                                                                                           _____________________
Optional scholarship fund contribution (i.e. $2, $5)                                              _____________________

Total    (check or money order payable to OASS Retreats)                                ____________________                                                              

________________Request for scholarship. Please attach a brief narrative describing how much you can contribute and why you would be a good candidate for a scholarship.  Scholarship recipients will be expected to pay at least $1 and assist in setting up/cleaning up. Any unused scholarship funds will be held for scholarships to the next workshop.

Mail to:  OASS Retreats
  PO Box 10552
  Rochester NY 14610-0552

   Meeting Your Animal Totem/Guide

Presented by Opening and Awakening to the Spiritually Sacred (OASS)

Rev Cathleen Brauen of Life’s Mysteries Spiritual Group and Rev Kris Miller of Sacred Space Spiritual Group

Sunday May 6, 2012       
2:00 PM-5:00 PM

Yoga with Estelle Studio - 34 Elton St (2nd floor)

Register early-space limited to 24

In this workshop you will meet your totem animal in a meditation, then travel the Sacred Wheel in a second mediation to learn what your totem has to share with you about your life.  Time will be provided for journaling.

Dress comfortably and bring these things:
     Water bottle for personal use
     Journal or notebook and a pen
If you have these, bring them as well:
     Yoga mat and blanket (We will be on the floor. Some mats provided.)
     These books or cards if you have them: Animal Speak or Animal Wise by Ted Andrews, Animal Spirit Guides by Steven Farmer, Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson.


We will be sending updates about the workshop via email from  Feel free to contact us with any questions

Fee  ($15)                                                                                                           _____________________
Optional scholarship fund contribution (i.e. $2, $5)                                              _____________________

Total    (check or money order payable to OASS Retreats)                                ____________________                                                              

________________Request for scholarship. Please attach a brief narrative describing how much you can contribute and why you would be a good candidate for a scholarship.  Scholarship recipients will be expected to pay at least $1 and assist in setting up/cleaning up. Any unused scholarship funds will be held for scholarships to the next workshop.

Mail to:  OASS Retreats
  PO Box 10552
  Rochester NY 14610-0552

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Visioning for the New Year - Attracting what you want in 2012 - the Year of the Dragon

Today’s the day many people begin to think about New Year’s Resolutions, things they want to change about themselves.  For me, the New Year is more about embracing and honoring who I am and asking a Higher Power (God, Angels, Teachers, Guides, my Higher Self etc.) to assist me in shifting my thinking for that is where all change begins. Whatever I put out into the Universe, I attract and I have far from perfect thinking.

Over the years I have shared this ritual with close friends. We write down what we want to release (patterns, thinking and behaviors that do not serve our Highest Good) and what we want to draw into our life for the New Year. We express gratitude and humbly seek assistance.  Then we burn our papers with some sage. .  My friend Barb and I did this yesterday at Highland Park.
Another New Year’s ritual I like is to make a Vision Board, a visual representation of what I would like to manifest.  I have one in progress. This year I am adding another ritual (letter writing) shared with me by Reverend Cathleen Brauen.
If you would like to learn more about these rituals consider joining our January 29th workshop. The cost is $18.  The registration form can be found on my website.
Visioning for the New Year - Attracting what you want in 2012 - the Year of the Dragon                                                                     
Presented by Opening and Awakening to the Spiritually Sacred (OASS)
Rev Cathleen Brauen of Life’s Mysteries Spiritual Group and Rev Kris Miller of Sacred Space Spiritual Group

Sunday January 29, 2012        10:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Carmen Clark Lodge at Brighton Town Park      777 Westfall Rd

In this workshop we will travel the Sacred Wheel of Self Discovery in meditations. In the first meditation we will revisit the past year to find things we are ready to let go of and then, through ritual, let them go.  In our second journey through the Wheel we will begin to clarify and manifest our intentions for the New Year.  Then we will create physical representations of our intentions in written form and a vision board.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Today I sat in meditation sending love to friends and family. Suddenly the faces of their friends and family appeared before me, each coming into awareness and floating away. I was encircled by people seeking love and healing. Sending love to all enveloped me in love as well.  I hope you felt it-it’s there for the taking.  Just be open and accept. Then pay it forward.